Dealing with elderly people can be difficult and trying. A lot of stress and anxiety can be caused as is indicated by the swords cards, leading to cutting words been spoken by both sides. The Queen of Swords can be a fiercely independent person bound up by ties to family and tradition. But it’s only her view which counts. Her view of family can be very skewed and the traditions she holds dear can be very outmoded or possible figments of her imagination.  In the Ten of Pentacles we can see an elderly man surrounded by wealth and comfort . But to my eyes he is lonely even though children and grandchildren are close by. But to him not close enough. They should be with him all day every day. They should move in. He sees them living their own lives ignoring him and is never grateful for anything they do for him no matter how they put themselves out. As with the Queen he can only see reality through his jaundiced eyes, a view which is the result of a long life harbouring negative feelings and attitudes. Both are as blind as the figure in the Two of Swords who is literally blindfolded. Her hands are not free to take off the blindfold as she is too concerned with holding aloft those two heavy swords. Her arms are crossed defending herself and keeping at bay perceived slights. The swords are poised to cut and parry. She is young but she is already laying down the template for her life. Keeping herself safe is her goal but not being open to receive and accept the love of others is the unwitting result of her defensive attitude. In the material sense her life has been a success. She has money, fine clothes and property. She has family nearby who are willing to help in any way possible but years of suspicion, cold-hearted decisions, selfishness and bullying has left her so that she cannot accept other’s ways of doing things and of living. Any help or advice given can only be on her terms. As a queen she needs to be deferred to in all matters.

How to deal with this situation is very difficult and requires much tact and patience. Siblings need to be in close touch to support each other and to make decisions regarding the care and support of their aged parent. No-one can judge another nor understand by a person is the way they are. Especially when that person is unwilling and at an advanced age, unable, to share their inner scars.

Tact. Patience. Support. Motivated by love.


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Astounding interpretation Billy. Very profound and love the way you are developing with the cards. I am sure you understand at this stage that tarot is not about fortune telling but enlightenment and understanding instead. The imagery speaks volumes.

    Well done. Very proud!

    xxx Vivers


    1. queasypaddy says:

      Thanks Viv x x


  2. Monica 😁 says:

    Wow just wow. This is SUCH a good take on these cards!


    1. queasypaddy says:

      Thanks Monica. I was surprised myself by what came out when I sat down and focused on the cards.


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