Every accident is followed by many hours of discussion, reflection and talk. It’s in our nature to analyse events and our responses to them. What could have been and what should have been, how it could have been avoided and how it could have been worse, are all areas of debate. However gratitude…


I was very angry when I wrote this poem many years ago. I had spent a number of hours in the National Gallery. Surrounded by great art in the company of many strangers from home and abroad, cosseted from the reality of the lives other humans endured on the streets of our city. We in…

There is a Madness in the Land.

I found this poem recently which I had written nearly ten years ago. The news was full, it seemed at the time, of horrific stories of violence on the streets and in the homes of our land. I not talking of terrorism or gang related violence, but of individual acts of murder and manslaughter. I…

Moe’s Café, Tramore, Waterford.

  A chance meeting in that café by the beach, Where we sat and chatted easily as only family can, About life and plans and age and youth and memories we share. ‘Though we don’t meet that often it didn’t really matter, ‘Cos for that time we were together all our lives were one.

Good to be alive !

This is the view my sister and I had today – Tramore Bay with Brownstown Head in the distance. We’d just had a lovely lunch in a converted coast guard station, which also doubled as an art gallery. All in all – glorious ! It was the kind of day where one is so glad…

St. Patrick’s Day Afterthought.

I’ve never bought into the whole St Patrick’s Day carry on. Can’t stand it. You know what I mean – the leprechaun hunting, Darby O’Gill watching, faith and begorrah roaring, shamrock wearing, beer swilling, parade marching, jigs and reels lepping, back clapping, cringe inducing idiocy that seems to have become part and parcel of our…